Witamy! ICANEPO visits Wrocław

by Mathias Maurer

The first study visit in 2024 brought the ICANEPO project to Poland. At the Wrocław Court of Appeal (Sąd Apelacyjny we Wrocławiu) the Center for Competence and Informatization of the Judiciary (Centrum Kompetencji i Informatyzacji Sądownictwa) is established. At the time of the study visit Poland has a decentralised court competence for the European Payment Order. However, the participants learned during the visit that there is a new legal act in the pipeline to establish a centralised competence for EPO at the Regional Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna and the District Court in Wrocław. The legal act is expected to go into force within very few months.

Poland Map

The amount of EPO cases is – as in many other Member States – quite low. A number of around 100 cases per year was estimated by the Polish hosts. Thus, there is no dedicated Case Management System for EPO cases. They are treated like regular cases and are as such managed in the same CMS as for national cases.

Additionally, it must be noted that Poland was a partner in the e-CODEX Plus project from 2017 – 2019. During the project they have developed a piece of software that would fetch messages from the e-CODEX Access Point are forward them to the national CMS. The replys to e-CODEX messages would be created in the national CMS and the sent vie the e-CODEX Access Point.

With the new legal act establishing a central competence for EPO at Wrocław and with the implications of the Regulation (EU) 2023/2844 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2023 on the digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice […] Poland intends to assess at a later stage whether a dedicated application for the management of EPO cases is worth considering.

Image by falco from Pixabay

Image by Bianca Fazacas on Unsplash